Tuesday, May 4, 2010

More and More Words

1. Josh was impinging the trust from his girlfriend by not letting her look through his text messages.

2. Trisha lamented her best friend's death so strongly that some people wondered if she would ever get over it.

3. Marie falls into an extreme state of melancholy come over her on ever anniversary of her grandmother's death.

4. If a country strongly disagrees with another country's endeavors, then they should sanction them militarily to get the point across.

5. When Clarisa gets mad in an argument, she always tries to truncate them when they're talking because she gets so rude.

6. I love making things look good, so anything dealing with aesthetics is a possible career route for me.

7. The bible is, arguably, an anthology of letters.

8. Justin Bieber is a very contemporary artist for young teenagers.

9. My biology teacher tells us that even after completing his rigorous course, we'll still only be dilettantes of the science.

10. If you look in my closet, you'll see that it's eclectic of several different styles including preppy, urban, classy etc.

11. My teacher told me to read just an excerpt from the book, and it evoked so much emotion out of me.

12. My favorite genre of music is R-n-B/Soul but most people would assume that it's Hip-Hop/Rap.

13. My computer's music library is a medley of several different types of music.

14. In the gym of my school, the art group painted a beautiful mural depicting the major aspects of our school being academics, hard work, and sports.

15. Lamont is very good an using his narrative voice when telling us stories; he makes us feel like we were there when it happened.

16. Lots of the shows that come on Comedy Central are simple parodies of current events that can be used to convey a certain feeling about what's happened.

17. The best photos are ones that convey a sense of realism across to the viewer.

18. Some people claim that the artists themselves are virtuosos in their genre of music, but I think the true ones are the writers behind the scenes.

19. Her house was so decorous that I was actually scared to sit down on her couch.

20. Clara was able to exude equanimity during the argument and that made the person she was arguing with even more upset.

21. In Christianity, it is taught to be modest so that you don't draw attention to yourself and the glory and focus will stay on God.

22. When in public, my teacher told us that we should show a great amount of propriety so that we don't bring shame on our school.

23. Some people think that prudent people are fun-suckers but they're really just being smart.

24. When you're being pulled over by the cops, you should act serene so they don't think you're hiding anything in your car.

25. Even though it's uncomfortable for some people to show their excitement, people who are always staid are people you don't want to be around.

26. I hate being around stoic people because they make you feel like you're being dramatic about everything.

27. You shouldn't condemn people too readily because everyone's not perfect.

28. In Media Literacy, we've watched videos that show taht some scientists want to discredit Intelligent Design as an actual scientific theory.

29-30. I hate when teachers disparage my work using pejorative words, when I've actually taken my time and worked hard on the assignment.

31. Plagiarism is a sure way to fail an assignment, and it should be because taking someone's work and passing it as your own is nothing short of stealing.

32. Some girls are so catty and evil that they will come up with pure lies that can vilify you to the point that you want to just cry your eyes out.

33. When trying to explain something to someone, you shouldn't be brusque with them so that you don't offend them and make them feel stupid.

34. The worst comedians are caustic ones that usually offend the audience more than make them laugh and have a good times.

35. People who are often fractious with others have deep-rooted anger problems that are, often times, hard to resolve.

36. If you have incorrigible kids, punishing, chastising, and grounding are tactics that just won't work.

37. The worst thing in the world is running into a homeless person who is also an ingrate that won't accept food or other things they should appreciate.

38. Trina was so insolent when it came to dealing with authority figures that we're scared what's going to become of her in the future.

39. There's a notorious drug dealer that lives in the neighborhood that even cops from across the city are afraid to bust him.

40. Pugnacious children are the hardest to try and teach, but once you control them they're the sweetest kids you'll ever meet.

41. Examples of reprehensible crimes are killing, stealing or perjury and they are worthy of serious punishments.

42. Her feelings are so brittle after the break-up that no one knows exactly what to say to her.

43. Developing a habit of always turning in your assignments late, even if they are done perfectly, can have a deleterious effect on your grade.

44. There was such a grand enmity between the rivals that people were scared just to be in the same room with them.

45. When running for any political office it's important not to be associated with any type of malfeasance because that can be the difference between being a contender or just becoming a nobody.

46. I wouldn't even be malicious to my biggest enemy because that won't solve anything.

47. I hate getting cereal in the bowl and going to the refrigerator to only find putrid milk.

48. He always wondered why she treated him with such a rancorous attitude when he didn't deserve such evil behavior.

49. Your attitude is so toxic to this conversation so I'm going to have to ask you to leave.

50. He spoke with such an archaic vernacular that it was almost impossible to understand what he was saying.

51. His shoes were so hackneyed that there were holes so big you could see all five of his toes.

52. To some the '80s are an medieval times while for others medieval times date back to the early 18th century.

53. Using typewriters is an example of an obsolete way of typing papers especially now that we have computers.

54. When teachers are austere when trying to introduce new subjects, it makes it almost impossible to find any type of interest in the topic.

55. I would hate to be known as a student who always produced work of extreme mediocrity because I know I work hard.

56. Your way of teaching the class is so mundane that it's a wonder how anyone in the class stays awake.

57. Why would you even assign a book that's as ponderous as reading a dictionary?

58. He wondered why he got an F on the painting, but it was so prosaic that people actually began to yawn when they saw it.

59. When I get old, I don't want to be sedentary; I want to be able to travel the world with my husband.

60. Many of my classmates have a healthy level of apprehension about next year since it will be our first year in college.

61-62. When my teacher says, "Well, the good news is no one failed," it's usually an ominous harbinger that the grades were less than stellar.

63. I have a good premonition that everyone in our class will remain great friends until long after graduation.

64. Ashley was timorous about her transfer from 8th grade to high school because she'd heard many stories that upperclassmen can be nothing short of uninviting.

65. Whenever you're asking your parents for something major you should approach them with a small amount of trepidation because you might not know what kind of mood they're in.

66. You have to be innovative in the fashion industry because people only want to wear the newest, hottest trends.

67. Some young girls can be naive of older guys because their experience surpasses their own by so so much.

68. Her writing skills were nascent when she first began and now they're almost perfect.

69. The novel ways of The Chinquapin School still catch people's attention even though the school has been around since 1969.

70. I'm a novice when it comes to driving, but eventually I get better with time.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Sentences Maybe?

1. So that Mia could make the beads for her necklace, she had to go and acquire some string from an Arts and Crafts store.

2. Many people found it to be a common conception that Julia had red hair, but it really wasn't.

3. David's conviction that Shakira was the best dancer in the industry now was beginning to become obnoxious.

4. Sometimes it was annoying how Dominique was dogmatic when it came to presenting information in class; he acted like everything he said was fact.

5. Our class attended a very enlightening seminar on the dangers of texting and driving because we learned the alarming rates of teens death due to the phenomenon.

6. Clara was under the impression that Tracy was going to be riding the bus to school, so she didn't go by her house to pick her up.

7. Sometimes you have to just trust the woman's intuition when it comes to knowing what other women are thinking.

8. It's a common misconception that women like for men to always be rough with them; on the contrary a lot of women like a sensitive man.

9. Lena's perception of computers is that they're all the same unless they're going to do the work for you without your input.

10. Ryan had a very profound and extreme perceptive that all of the students in his Geography class were overly concerned with passing his test.

11. It was inherent that the Kevin was going to do anything dangerous if he were given the opportunity; it was almost like an innate behavior of his.

12. It was an inveterate habit of Antwaun to go gamble every other weekend. He had been doing it for almost 20 years now.

13. Sometimes I don't understand how people can deny the omnipotent power of God because he's shown his presence in so many ways from walking humans to the floating planets.

14. Whenever Chester and Anna are in close proximity with one another you should be aware of the sparks that fly from their chemistry.

15. Sometimes Trina feels like getting an A in Mr. Karev's class is an elusive task that she'll never obtain.

16. Rosa's parents emigrated from Argentina into America in order to live a better life.

17. Good weather in Houston, Texas is a pretty transient and transitory occurrence because it's here one minute and gone the next.

18. One of the best features of a friend is that they be affable because a good friend is someone you can talk to no matter what and they should also be amenable to what you have to say as well so it's not just one-sided.

19. You have to have an open camaraderie with your closest friends if you want them to stay close to you forever and try to be as cordial with them as you possibly can.

20. If you really want to piss a teacher off you should act facetious when they ask you what you want to do in college.

Ending a Friendship

Sometimes LeRonda felt compelled to ask her best friend if she would go out with her. In her opinion, if Keisha was her best friend, she shouldn't have to beg her to go out with her. She should want to. Sometimes it seemed to LeRonda that Keisha was too involved with her other friends, and whenever LeRonda felt like she wanted to hang out, she claimed to be "diligently" studying. She knew that if she dogged around behind her, constantly asking her for some time alone that it would put a weird strain on their relationship. But, she'd known Keisha since they were little girls, at least 3 years old. She couldn't bear enduring the end of a 22-year old friendship. But they had to face the facts. LeRonda was a scary-cat, whose idea of fun was going to see a G-Rated movie, while Keisha on the other hand, was intrepid and fearless and loved taking walks on the wild side. LeRonda was pretty straight-and-narrow and didn't really deviate from what she was taught at home, while Keisha was a complete maverick, who hated being put into clear, cut labels and boxes. Keisha hated arguing with people because she was so carefree, while LeRonda was so obdurate and felt like she always had to argue to fight her point until everyone agreed with her and when they wanted to argue back with her, she was too obstinate to listen to anyone else's opinion. Keisha was growing tired of going back and forth with LeRonda and she knew that their friendship needed to come an end. She honestly didn't want it to because they'd had some good times that created lasting memories inside of her. But now that they were in college, Keisha's friends had proliferated into an entirely different group of people totally different than LeRonda. But LeRonda wanted to hold onto their friendship with such a tenacity because she believed in true friendship. Where else could she find someone who was going to accept her with all her flaws and still love her regardless? She knew that their relationship was losing its spark and vitality, but they could work through it in her opinion. But, the fact still remained that Keisha and LeRonda were on different pages. Neither one of them could obtain a full assimilation of what the other one had become, and quite frankly, they weren't taking the time to either. Keisha brought up the idea to her other friends of trying to end their friendship on good terms, and they all came to a consensus that it was probably what was best. She needed to keep the the context of their relationship on good terms because they were still going to the same school and nothing would be worse than high school drama in college. On the other hand, LeRonda was sensing that Keisha was moving on. She could derive from her body language that something weird was going to happen to them. And because of LeRonda's personality, she felt it was incumbent that she not allow Keisha to end their friendship on her terms, but she wanted it to end her way instead. In her opinion it was inevitable that it end on nice terms, so she wanted to leave with a bang. She'd tried her hardest to create a malleable relationship where they could be real with each other without one another storming out on each other. Seconds later, Keshia walked into the room and suddenly, a silence subdued the entire room.

A Few Sentences...

1. Trina thought that the only way she would get DeWayne's attention is if she were to dress ostentatiously with all of her cleavage hanging out and 8" heels.

2. Whenever Joseph came to visit Chinquapin, a strong sense of poignancy ran through his body because he strongly regretted leaving Chinquapin for public school.

3. Whenever Beyonce performed she was always filled with ebullience; she had a smile that seemed to radiate off the stage right into the audience.

4. So that Yesenia could try and exercise in the thirty minutes she had left, she ran frenetically on the treadmill.

5. When Sheila arrived to class, she gratuitously gave the teacher a very disrespectful attitude because she had a bad morning at home.

6. In order to get a reclamation of her watches from the pawn store, Monica had to first come up with the same amount of money she had received when she pawned them.

7. Susan gave the sanction to the class for them to leave the classroom right now for the fire drill.

8. Tom Bergeron decided to slander his co-host's reputation so that she'd be fired and he could be the sole host of Dancing With The Stars.

9. When Lisa came into the cafeteria, everyone knew that she seemed a bit spurious because people had caught her in a lie a few times.

10. Crystal knew that she was worth more than those clandestine meetings in the Hilton Hotel so she broke it off with Tim.

11. In order to keep the surprise party a surprise, Cassandra had to act disingenuous with her sister so that she wouldn't catch on to the clever ruse going on for the past couple weeks.

12. Karina tried to make a stratagem in order to make her chess opponent lose miserably.

13. Lorena's mom always told her to be wary about upperclassmen boys on a college campus who are looking at the new freshmen girls because they can be so wily and you'll fall for their game without even knowing they've played it on you.

14. Jessie arbitrarily decided that she was going to go out to the club, and forgot to ask her friends if they wanted to join her.

15. Alina was acting really strange because yesterday she was in such a good mood and then she capriciously turned into an entirely different person.

16. The comments that Carla was making in class were so inconsequential and had absolutely no relation to the actual topic at hand.

17. Most people thought of Miranda as extremely superficial because she only concerned herself with things like how people looked and the things they wore to school or how their hair looked.

18. There was a very tenuous association between what Carlanda wore to school and how she felt in the morning, but most of the time she just wore sweats.

19. Mariah thought that it was stupid to concern herself with the trivial things that many other people worried about like, the color of someone's earring or the way the wore their ponytail.

20. When it came to passing DH's tests you have to be really assiduous because the slightest mistake can cause you to fail.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

The Birds and the Bees

When Johnny went to school he asked his teacher, Mrs. Appleseed, where did babies come from. In the most didactic and informing way she could, she tried to tell him of this age-old occurrence. She knew that for a young person to understand this, she would have to be cogent. He's a young kid, 8 years old. How could she really explain to a little boy about this? She knew that if she wasn't tactful in her explanation, then Johnny would go home and tell his parents what his teacher said. If she did this wrong, his parents would surely have the assertion that the teachers from this school are up to no good. So in order to exculpate herself, she knew she'd have to deny answering any of his questions. She knew she had to lucidly explain it too because Johnny is only 10 years old. Johnny was so curious about this, but he was so nervous about asking his own parents. Although he was young, he knew how tense his parents became about certain subjects. He knew if he asked Mrs. Appleseed in the wrong way, she wouldn't answer his questions and she would put him in detention for being nasty. The correct rhetoric was necessary in order to get his point across. Mrs. Appleseed finally told him, "Umm Johnny, I think that this is something you should discuss with your parents, not me". "Well Mrs. Appleseed, maybe you should be an arbiter between my parents and I. They just won't talk to me about anything! I have to come talk to you about it or I'll never know anything about life." But Mrs. Appleseed knew the rules. She had to treat each student with an impartial attitude and not allow them to persuade her any differently than her first mind.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

More Sentences...

1. Brian gave the class a cogent explanation as to why they weren't going to be able to the zoo so that they all would understand.

2. Lucas knew the best way to teach his class was through a didactic matter in which they could see the lesson through their own eyes.

3. Chris explained lucidly the ramifications of riding a motorcycle to his son, but he decided to get one anyways.

4. Curtis was the ultimate arbiter in the matter of deciding if his daughter was going to buy that prom dress.

5. Calvin's lawyer exculpated Calvin when he was accused of robbing the bank, which allowed him to return back to his family safely.

6. Miranda was penitent towards her husband and hoped he would forgive her for cheating on her.

7. Floyd wanted to be completely despotic in his household but his wife wouldn't allow him to rule everything at home.

8. The horoscope gave a really cryptic analysis of what was going to happen to Luisa this week because she was so confused to was going to happen to her today.

9. Trina and Dewayne were in a quandary when Dewayne was let go from his job and they didn't know how they were going to feed their son tonight.

10. Eva was so indolent today that she didn't even get out of her bed to get something to eat.

11. The conversation in class was so insipid that everyone was falling asleep.

12. Tristan was so listless when she went to work that she actually fell asleep at the counter.

13. Le'Aan was in a state of extreme torpor after going through her depression; she dind't want to move a muscle.

14. Ashley needed to be servile in order to work as a waitress at Luby's.

15. Emily had a condition where her cheeks always looked florid regardless of whether she was actually blushing or not.

16. Clement could afford to buy a Rolex because the money he made at his new job allowed him to live a really opulent lifestyle.

17. The ornaments on her Christmas tree were so ornate that the little kids couldn't helped by being intrigued when they came over during the Christmas holidays.


1. In order for Daniela to pass her Economics test, she knew it would be greatly auspicious to read the chapter and answer the study questions Dave had given the class.

2. Tianna was so benevolent to the donors when they came to visit the school they wanted to give over $30,000.

3. Yesenia was dubious that she would be able to find a dress for graduation before the end of March.

4. Aby was so astute when it came to figuring out what her little cousins were doing behind her back that they didn't even try to sneak around anymore.

5. Lauren made an amazing coup when she was able to steal the ball from Chinquapin's rival basketball team.

6. Tracy knew she had to act surreptitiously around her family after going out and getting her ear pierced without her parent's permission.

7. Rykeem was wary of the fact that there were poisonous snakes moving around his house.

8. Marcell knew it was spontaneous to get up and move to Zimbabwe but that was where she thought she wanted to live for the rest of her life.

9. Dimonque knew that the question was confusing because of it's ambiguity; some people took it one way while others took it another.

10. Ivan tried to equivocate the fact that he didn't do his homework by saying, "I didn't necessarily do my homework, but I didn't necessarily not do my homework".

11. Javier felt ambivalent about what he was going to wear for graduation, he didn't know if he wanted to dress extremely different or keep it simply formal.

12. Nailah tried to mollify her brother after telling him that she was going to college but he was still a little sad.

13. Luis's apathetic attitude in AP English class made Susan think that he didn't take her class seriously.

14. Marixa and Genesis had an interesting discourse about the difference between taking pictures inside and outside.

15. Kersia fabricated an entire story which included her walking to the beach with a 13 ft giant to find their yellow unicorn.

16. Mauricio practiced ultimate hypocrisy when he told the baseball team to be to practice on time when he always showed up fifteen minutes late.

17. Johnathan didn't believe the assertion that tigers were at the zoo until we took him there and showed them to him.

A few pictures

Lauren was so effusive with Javier's work for her senior picture she smiled so hard.

Taking pictures like these, in Ray's opinion, is a bit flagrant, especially for events like the Gala.

Mr. DeLeon is so hard-working, that he actually does a superfluous amount of work at The Chinquapin School.

When Lauren used to think about having to wait many moths to graduate from high school, she used to be sad. But,the pain of this fact was alleviated when May 27, 2010 finally came around, and she jumped in the air with joy.

Lauren provided a safe asylum for Roscoe when she went to go visit her brother's house because she was the only one who wanted to play with him.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Ian's Change

Ian displayed true objectivity when it came to dealing with his teachers. Although he hated how some of his teachers were so emotional with dealing with his discipline problems, he always showed them the utmost respect in all situations. He thought is plausible that maybe his teachers were that devoted to teaching class. Maybe that's why they were always emotionally invested in everything he did. One day, his biology teacher Mr. Kaiser, substantiated this claim when one day he held Ian after class. He told him, "I just don't understand why you don't see the potential I see in you! Time after time I've vindicated you with your other teachers and you repay me by not turning in a project!" Ian gave Mr. Kaiser a condescending look that portrayed his contemptuous attitude about this situation. "I don't care about school, why don't these teachers understand that!?" This whole situation was disdainful. If I came to school, wasn't that enough? All this coming to class on time, finishing homework, making A's, was full of crap. "Maybe these teachers think they're better than me!", but a haughty attitude from his teachers wasn't the problem, and even if his teachers were imperious, that gave Ian no right to take this attitude with his teachers, and, furthermore, his education. He didn't like being disrespected and definitely not patronized.
Obviously, Ian's situation with teachers was becoming more and more convoluted. He went from being respectful yet distanced to outright rude and insolent. Any type of help with his education now was simply futile. His new attitude with life was well on it's way to impeding his chances at making a better life for himself. He'd face obscure and uncertain days if he wouldn't change. So Mr. Kaiser along with several other of Ian's teachers decided to have an intervention. It began with alienating him in class. The alliance between the teachers was so strong and united that they would stop at nothing to make sure he was successful. Slow they began to see disparity between the old Ian and the boy he was becoming. The way his teachers were treating him caused him to have to stay on his A game and so he could be a good student. He suppressed his feelings of feeling that school is just a way to get out of the house. Instead of writing a mundane paper for English, Ian would embellish it with his new-found vocabulary and begin to show that he was truly trying to change. He wanted to be a better student, and he knew this journey was going to begin with him turning over a new leaf.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Ana's Journal

First of all, I want total clarity with all my readers. This story is completely fictional and is in no way, shape, or form, a true story.

Every night, Ana wrote in her journal. Every mundane detail that she experienced in her life. You could tell when she was mad about something because the details wouldn't be totally coherent with one another. They would just come out in whatever way they came to her head. One day she wrote about the fact that her relationship with her on/off boyfriend, Alex, wasn't as cohesive as it's always been. She then wrote about how jealous she was that this girl Trish, who happened to like Alex, walked around the school with poise and grace and spoke with an eloquence that made Ana's stomach turn. But more than anything, she wrote about her life at home. She emphasized so much how she hated that her mom never spent time with her anymore because she was too involved with her boyfriend. These were the most fluid writings she had because they were real to her. No other feelings were more apparent to her than these. Every time she tried to talk to her mother about what was going on in her life, her mom ignored it. To Ana, this was a strong implication that her mom just didn't love her, at least not in the way a mother should love their daughter. It amazed her how she could write effortlessly about her mom using such a fine rhetoric that she could never seem to attain in English. She would use words that she didn't even know were apart of her vocabulary. Her mom truly brought those feelings out of her. Ana couldn't lie though. She mostly didn't like her boyfriend because she wanted her mom and dad to get back together. So, I guess you could say she was biased but what other daddy's girl isn't? She couldn't be impartial to the fact that her mom was just casually hanging out with some random guy when she should have been trying to make it work with the man she had three kids with. Did she have any integrity about herself? That's what Ana would think about her mom sometimes. Ana couldn't understand why any other guy was worth the time when she had a perfectly good man for her. She also wrote a lot about her dad. Her dad and mom split up about four years ago but and she never understood why they could let their love die after being together for 20 years. She wrote about not believing her dad loved her enough to stick around. But she knew that she'd love him anyway, regardless of whatever he'd done to her. That fact was incontrovertible.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Mastery of the AP--Blog 1

I'm excited to begin the blogging of these words!